AstraZeneca does not have a central point of entry for enquiries on how to do business with our company. 请访问相关国家网站了解一般联系信息.
澳门在线赌城娱乐实行“无订单,无报酬”政策. Suppliers must t在这里fore not provide any goods or services without first having received a Purchase Order (PO). The only exceptions to this policy are for goods/services categorised as one of the following:
医生/医院/医疗协会, 公众培训课程, 养老金服务, 医疗保健服务, 暂时的资源, 银行 & 经纪人, 保险, 公用事业公司, 导出/导入交付/快递/职责, 语音/数据/移动运营商, 经营租赁, 监管机构, 赞助, 政府.
在某些情况下, 业务需要在哪里, 澳门在线赌城娱乐员工可以使用购物卡/信用卡下订单. 在这些情况下,将不需要PO文档.
The details provided on the PO document must match the goods/services that are being provided, 供应商应在向澳门在线赌城娱乐提供任何商品/服务之前检查所有细节. Any discrepancies should be raised immediately with the AstraZeneca department or individual that requested the goods/services. 订单细节的差异可能会延迟或阻止相关发票的处理.
采购订单必须寄给供应商组织的正确实体. AstraZeneca are unable to process invoices w在这里 the company entity/address listed on the invoice is not the same company that the PO was raised to.
订单上的澳门在线赌城娱乐实体必须与任何相关合同相匹配. 供应商只能向PO文件中列出的澳门在线赌城娱乐实体开具发票.
- 数量
- 单价和总价
- 订单的货币
- 计量单位
- 产品代码
- 商品或服务的描述
- 要求的交货日期
- 交货地址
- 付款条件
使澳门在线赌城娱乐能够正确有效地处理供应商发票, 供应商应注意以下要求:
- 所有发票必须清楚地说明从澳门在线赌城娱乐收到的PO号
- W在这里 no PO has been provided (in exceptional circumstances – see “采购订单” section on this website) the invoice must clearly identify the AstraZeneca contact who requested the goods/service
- 哪里的PO有多条线路, it should be clear which line/charge on the invoice relates to which line of the PO (invoice line should state the PO line number w在这里 possible)
- AstraZeneca will be unable to process invoices when insufficient value or quantity is remaining on the Purchase Order. Suppliers are asked not to submit invoices over PO value and instead should contact their AstraZeneca buyer/requestor.
- 订单上的所有公司实体(包括澳门在线赌城娱乐和供应商)必须是正确的, 而且和发票上的细节完全吻合. If they are not the same, a new PO must be requested from the appropriate AstraZeneca contact
- 所有发票必须有清晰标记,唯一的发票号码和日期
- 发票的币种必须与PO上指定的币种一致
- 发票上列出的计量单位(UoM)必须与PO上指定的UoM相匹配
- Credit notes should clearly reference the invoice number/PO they relate to, w在这里 appropriate
- 在哪里申报增值税, 发票上必须注明供应商的相关增值税登记号码
- 哪些地方适用其他税种, 相关的税号必须在发票上注明, 符合当地税收要求
- 如果要求增值税或其他税, the VAT/tax amount must be shown in the currency of the country w在这里 the transaction takes place (or the appropriate exchange rate specified)
- Suppliers should submit invoices electronically via Coupa Supplier Portal (CSP is AstraZeneca's replacement tool for Ariba) w在这里 it is available. Supplier should note that invoices sent by email or in paper format will take longer to process
- Suppliers that transact with AstraZeneca on the ASN should submit all invoices via this channel w在这里 possible. 不需要发送额外的纸质或电子邮件副本.
- Emailed invoices should be sent to the central invoice reception address w在这里 these facilities exist. 详细的电子邮件地址,以及帮助台的联系方式,可以找到 在这里. 哪里有关于应该使用哪些细节的问题, 供应商应要求其澳门在线赌城娱乐联系人澄清.
- Invoices that are non-compliant will be rejected and a notification sent back to the supplier. Corrected invoices should be returned to AstraZeneca as soon as possible to minimise delays in payment.
AstraZeneca have partnered with Coupa to enable electronic transactions with our suppliers in our major markets. Electronic transactions will deliver proven benefits to send purchase orders and process invoices more effectively to both suppliers and AstraZeneca. 这些好处包括:
- 电子采购订单发送到指定的供应商订单处理器
- 确认供应商收到的采购订单
- 作为澳门在线赌城娱乐供应商,改善了对您的准时付款
- 没有丢失发票,也不需要重新提交
- 没有由于邮件中丢失发票而造成的延误
- 更高的自动化匹配,因为提高了数据质量
- 如有任何发票问题,及时反馈
- 由于减少了手工处理发票,提高了效率
- Portal visibility of the Invoice status as it moves through the AstraZeneca authorisation and payment process.
Suppliers that have catalogues with AstraZeneca are responsible for the maintenance of the content, 包括定价信息. W在这里 prices on invoices differ from the associated price in the catalogue (and t在这里fore purchase orders created from them), 发票可能被延迟和/或拒绝.
Payment terms will be stated on the PO document received when goods/services have been formally requested. Queries/concerns on payment terms should be addressed to the appropriate AstraZeneca contact upon receipt of the PO, 不是在提交发票时.
供应链融资(澳门在线赌城娱乐英国、瑞典、美国 & 德国只有)
作为澳门第一赌城在线娱乐支持供应商战略的一部分, we've partnered with Taulia to provide a portal that offers options for early payments on approved invoices, 具有竞争力的融资利率. 该工具的功能包括:
- 所有已批准发票的可见性,包括过去6个月的历史记录
- 批准发票的早期付款选项-以有竞争力的价格打折
- 控制你的收据-供应商选择何时他们想要提前付款
- Accurate cash-flow forecasting - provides full visibility of when invoices are due for payment
- 无限制的门户访问- 24/7支付过程可见性
供应链融资目前仅适用于与澳门在线赌城娱乐英国合作的供应商, 瑞典, 德国和美国. 欲了解更多关于澳门在线赌城娱乐与陶利亚合作的信息,请点击 点击这里. 有关申请详情,请联络以下适当的电邮地址:
1. 我应该把发票寄到哪里
- 发票应按照订单文件上的说明提交. 查看澳门在线赌城娱乐的联系方式, 包括中央发票接收地点(如有设施)请点击 在这里.
- If you are unsure which details should be used, you should speak to your AstraZeneca contact.
2. 我的发票什么时候付款?
- 发票将按照您与澳门在线赌城娱乐商定的付款条款支付. 澳门在线赌城娱乐的标准付款条件是基于收货日期, 并可在相应的PO文件中找到. 如果您需要澄清特定发票的日期,请联系您当地的帮助台.
3. 我如何确认我的发票已经收到和/或状态是什么?
- Suppliers using the Coupa Supplier Portal to invoice AstraZeneca can check the status of their invoices within this system.
- 请联系您当地的帮助台确认收货/状态, but please allow minimum 3 days for the invoice to be registered in the AstraZeneca systems before querying status.
4. 我如何更改我的联系方式/地址/银行资料?
- 供应商资料不一致(i.e. differences between the details on the invoice and those on the AstraZeneca system/PO) will lead to delays in processing of invoices, 以及可能的拒绝. 因此,尽快通知澳门在线赌城娱乐任何变化是很重要的.
- 供应商详细信息可以通过联系您当地的帮助台进行更改. 请注意,这取决于您要更改的细节, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐可能会联系您以提供确认/证明文件. An immediate response to any such request will ensure your details are updated on a timely basis and ensure no delays to invoice payments.
5. 我如何向澳门在线赌城娱乐付款? 澳门在线赌城娱乐的银行信息是什么?
- 有关向澳门在线赌城娱乐付款/退款的建议,请联系您当地的帮助台.
6. 我如何获得其他东西的支持?
- 有关Coupa供应商门户网站的任何查询,请访问 澳门在线赌城娱乐咖啡供应商页面 或联系 GBCSSupplierEnablement@blackkidshair.com
- For any other issues/queries, please either contact your local Helpdesk, or your AstraZeneca contact. 有关您当地帮助台的详细联系信息,请单击 在这里.